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The Chidsey Society

The Chidsey Society

In 1993, the Trustees of St. John's School established the Alan Lake Chidsey Society to honor those special individuals who have included the School in their estate plans. From the beginning, estate gifts have played a crucial role in the remarkable growth and success of St. John's. A special thanks to each of our Chidsey Society members for carrying on this important tradition. Your foresight will leave a legacy for generations of students to come and ensure our ability to plan for the future. 

If you would like to include St. John's in your estate plans, please contact Director of Advancement Dawsey Romero.

Chidsey Society Members

Mr. Mark G. Avery '76 and Mrs. Nissa Avery
Mr. Jonathan S. Avery '80
Mr. Jerome C. Axelrod '59
Marci and Bill Bahr
Mr. John H. Beebe '60*
Mr. E. P. Cannon and Mrs. Maurie Ankenman Cannon '61
Mrs. Josephine Emilie Cannon*
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chao
Mr. Ollye H. Christopher*
Mrs. Theodore W. Cooper, Sr.*
Mr. Bruce G. Crawford '74 and Ms. Laura Rowe '83
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Crocker
Mrs. Mary Woodson Crowell '57*
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorian Curtin, Jr.*
Ms. Alice E. Davidson '62
Mrs. Helen Bloxsom Davis '55*
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Desjardins
Michelle and Mark Dini
Mr. John L. Drye '67
Mr. and Mrs. Brady Sherrod Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elder*
Mr. A. Jennings Ellis, Jr. '62*
Mr. Jesse Byron Flansburg*
Mr. L. Henry Gissel, Jr. '54*
Mr. Timothy L. Goodwin '60 and Mrs. Virginia N. Goodwin
Lt. Colonel Daniel Francis Goodwin '88 and Mrs. Kathleen P. Goodwin
Mr. David F. Gow '81 and Mrs. Audrey H. Gow
Mr. Lindsay Hall, Jr. '62*
The Honorable Reagan C. Helm '59* and Mrs. Cathy Helm
Mr. Matthew Reagan Helm
Mrs. Kate McCarthy Helm
David Hendricks and Lorraine McKenna-Hendricks
Mr. Edwin H. Higgins and Mrs. Page K. Higgins*
Mr. C. Marks Hinton, Jr. '60* and Mrs. Barbara Hinton
Mr. Marks Hinton, Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hitzhusen
Mr. Paul W. Hobby '78 and Mrs. Janet Hobby
Ms. Molly T. Ivins '62*
Tom* and Rebecca Jay

As of September 2024
Ann and Johnny '63 Johnson
Mr. Lewis Avery Jones '59* and Mrs. Judith G. Jones
Mr. James J. Jump, Sr.
Mr. Stuart R. Kensinger '81* and Mrs. Angie Kensinger*
Mr. J. David Kirkland, Jr. '76* and Mrs. Anne A. Kirkland
Mr. John A. Kley*
Ms. Margaret A. Kostial '82
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kyle
Mrs. Sally Lacey
Ms. Margo E. Lamb '52*
Mrs. Brenda Lary
Mr. Laurence Scott Leopold '86
Mr. Leo Linbeck, Jr.*
William J. Mares '58 and Christine Hadsel
Mr. Barry H. Margolis '63 & Mrs. Rosalyn Margolis
Mr. Joseph M. Mayhew '54* and Mrs. Joseph M. Mayhew
Dr. Sally E. Miller
Mr. John S. Moody '67 and Mrs. Eileen A. Moody
Mr. Hugo V. Neuhaus, Jr.*
Mr. Charles R. Peissel '67
Mrs. Sarah Rabinow Pesikoff '86*
Mr. Louis R. Pizzolatto*
Dr. Dwight L. Raulston '71 and Mrs. Elva Raulston
Mr. Vincent M. Reyes '24
Dr. George E. Rupp and Mrs. Nancy F. Rupp
Dr. Herbert H. Schaumburg '52
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Schmidt
Dr. David J. Schmoll '70*
Mrs. Rex Shanks, Jr.*
Ms. Katherine Shanks Dodd '85
Mr. Jonathan L. Sloan '03 & Mrs. Ashley C. Sloan
Mr. A. Theodore Stautberg, Jr. '64*
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Stephens '63
Mrs. June Gray Stobaugh*
Mr. John R. Sult '77 and Mrs. Susan Sult
Mr. Payson Eliot Tucker '95
The Honorable Carl W. Vogt '54 and Mrs. Margrit W. Vogt
Mrs. Carnes W. Weaver*
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl L. Wilson
Ms. Jocelyn V. Bell Winslow*
Mr. James O. Winston, Jr.*


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