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Libraries & Academic Commons

SJS Library Overview

The programs of the St. John's libraries are designed to foster a community of lifelong learners and to encourage students and staff to become active, independent, and discriminating users of ideas and information. A diverse collection of both print and non-print materials is maintained that supports the curriculum, interests, and needs of the St. John's community. In all of these endeavors, the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school are upheld.

Lower School Library

The Lower School Library instructional program is sequential in nature and integrated into the curriculum as much as possible. All Lower School students have scheduled library classes once a week and also have free access to the library all day. Teachers schedule additional time for research projects.

Middle School Library

In the Middle School Library, Class 6 students attend weekly reading/literature classes in the library. All students use information retrieval skills for research projects in various disciplines.

Taub Library & Academic Commons

Taub Library
The Taub Library is an inviting setting where the importance of books and information is celebrated daily. The library is the heart of the school - a place for students and faculty to connect and share ideas. The two professional librarians foster student curiosity by providing resources, enhancing research skills, and promoting a lifetime of reading habits.

Academic Commons
Renovation of the Taub Library in the Upper School began in the summer of 2018 and completed in November 2018. The Taub Library was transformed into an Academic Commons much like those found on university campuses. The new space includes small group meeting rooms and individual study carrels, as well as conference space to satisfy the ever-changing ways in which students learn and collaborate.
Our dynamic collection of both print and non-print, links our students to the School’s and the world’s information resources. The ever growing eContent, including our subscription database collection, is enhanced with the Discovery Tool which, in one search, checks all of our databases, yielding a weighted, cohesive list of full text resources. With our 24/7 model, students can engage in research and reading from home anytime they need to study or read a book. Our strong commitment to diverse points of view is reflected in our fiction and non-fiction collections, displays, and programming.
Information Literacy
“The continuing expansion of information demands that all individuals acquire the thinking skills that will enable them to learn on their own. The amount of information available to our learners necessitates that each individual acquire the skills to select, evaluate, and use information appropriately and effectively.”
-AASL American Association of School Librarians

The Upper School teachers and librarians partner to enrich lessons with advanced information literacy skills. The librarians assist in guiding the students through independent research by acting as guides that help to hone the individual student’s research skills and by focusing them to develop well-supported arguments.

Pleasure Reading
Students, faculty, and staff enjoy a rich collection of books that supports their interests and passions. Our commitment to pleasure reading is reflected through our year-long book club and celebrations just prior to vacations and summer, so that students have time to enjoy and savor reading.


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